Hailing from Camano Island, Toby Steffen remembers going to work with his dad, Garry Steffen who owned a landscaping company specializing in rock work. 

Toby started his own landscaping business with an ad in the newspaper before he could even drive. He remembers his mom driving him to his jobs. When he was of driving age, he then borrowed the family truck and a lawn mower to provide maintenance care for his customers. His business boomed as there were not many landscapers on Camano Island at the time. Customers appreciated a young kid with a great work ethic. 

Landscaping was always a constant in Toby’s life. He graduated from Western Washington University with a business degree, had sales jobs here and there but always had his landscaping business. Toby has had slow organic growth over the years. He attributes his success to his consistent willingness to take on challenging projects and lifelong learning.

Growing up he remembers Washington summers as 3 nice weeks in August. Now that looks more like 3 maybe 4 months out of the year. That has changed what  landscape in the PNW looks like these days.

Toby and Primescapes take pride in consistently delivering a quality product while being hardworking, have a good work ethic and excellent customer service.